In the bustling town of Rexburg, Idaho, the year 2014 marked the beginning of a culinary journey that would soon leave a lasting impression on the local community. David and Tara, driven by a shared passion for food and a desire to fill their weekends with something meaningful, embarked on a small-scale venture: a food trailer serving classic American fare. Their initial menu featured burgers, hot dogs, chips, and sodas, a simple yet satisfying selection that quickly attracted a loyal following.
As their business grew, David and Tara realized that their offering was missing a crucial element: fries. However, in East Idaho, fries without fry sauce were simply unthinkable. Drawing inspiration from their Utah childhood, they set out to recreate the tangy and distinctive flavor profile of the fry sauce they had grown up with. Through countless hours of experimentation and taste testing, David and Tara meticulously crafted a sauce that perfectly captured the desired balance of tanginess and depth, delivering a satisfying and memorable flavor experience.
Over the years, David and Tara's food trailer evolved into a thriving restaurant brand that locals and visitors loved. The original fry sauce, which had played such a pivotal role in their early success, remained a cornerstone of their menu. As the restaurant expanded, so too did the demand for additional sauces and dressings to complement their diverse offerings. Each new creation was meticulously developed in-house, ensuring that every flavor was authentic and original.
Today, the sauces and dressings featured on this site are a testament to the culinary legacy of Redd's Grill and Ambrose Catering, two beloved establishments that continue to serve the Idaho Falls community. The story of David and Tara's journey from a humble food trailer to a thriving restaurant brand is a testament to the power of passion, dedication, and a love for good food.